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Easter signals the start of the cricket season, bringing to mind bucolic lazy days of relaxing in the sun with a pint of something cold, listening to the buzz of the bees and the whack of leather on willow. And these days will come at the height of summer but the reality at the start is somewhat different. My children will put on their whites and their trousers inevitably stand at half mast like a signal that the cat died, and I realise I need to go shopping. Trousers are too short, tops are too tight and shoes are too small. The weather may look inviting from behind the glass of the clubhouse but the reality is you need to have a blanket on standby and flask of tea in these early days. Which is actually a perfect opportunity to crochet or knit!

Crochet & Cricket

So, what's the link between crochet, or knitting & cricket I hear you ask... Cable knit jumpers and blankets! What a perfect opportunity. The iconic cricket jumper or sleeveless top is a timeless piece of clothing, and a treasured possession knitted with love. Crocheting a blanket requires time, and time is something you have when watching a cricket match. Crocheting a blanket also means that you needs to pile it up on your knee as your work gets bigger; again, exactly what you need in the early weeks of the season. The hardest part is deciding what pattern to do.

I'm currently working on a Janie Crow Persian Tiles blanket, and I found a wonderful pristine copy of Sophie's Universe Crochet-Along book in a local charity shop, which is also going on my to do list. In the past I have made a classic Granny Square flower throw from 100% Falkland Islands wool, now a precious family treasure recording our time living there.

I also made a huge chunky knitted throw (see photo) when I was deployed in 2015/16 in the Middle East; my last Operational tour before leaving the RAF. It was made over the 6 months that I was away from home, and is a record of Christmas away from my children and birthdays missed. However, it's also a reminder of my family sending me a new ball of yarn out, with a new pattern that I would knit into a square and send back. These blankets are precious and hold memories that cannot be created from simply buying a blanket.

Temperature Blankets

My Mother-in-Law currently has a temperature blanket on the go. A temperature blanket, for those that haven't discovered them yet, is a wonderful way of making a unique masterpiece recording the weather during a set period of time. Most people start on January 1st, but you could start on a birthday, or on the day a new baby joins the family to record their first year. I'm thinking of making a version based upon every cricket match I sit and watch my offspring take part in. Once you have decided what period of time you are recording, you then have to decide if you will knit or crochet, what colours will represent the temperatures, what style to go for (corner to corner, rows, diamonds), and a method to record the daily temperature (Highest, lowest, average?) If this has got you thinking then a quick search of Pinterest will give you so much inspiration of colour combinations and styles for knitters and crocheters. I would love to see yours and hear about the method you are using, either in the comments below, on Facebook or Instagram, or why not pop by at an event and tell me all about your blanket projects. I can feel another WIP creeping up on me...

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